The Climate

Climate | Data | Action

Climate | Data | Action

Ongoing Campaigns

Photo by Quang Nguyen Vinh on Pexels

On the Ground

Through #ontheground report illegal coastal constructions, wildlife incidents, and climate events etc. We’ll follow up and make sure action is taken against those responsible!

Photo by Laura Meinhardt on Pexels

Sounds of Nature

#soundsofnature launches this January! Record sounds of nature and earn points for rare species and locations. Help track climate change and biodiversity loss.

Track the Trash

#trackthetrash adds waste and brand audits to beach cleanups – increasing their impact. Track data, share interesting trash finds, and raise awareness to tackle pollution across Sri Lanka!

Join Our Network!

We’re a network of passionate changemakers from every district— students, professionals, advocates, and scientists—committed to climate action and biodiversity conservation nationwide. Join us for unique learning experiences, collaboration on impactful projects, access to funding and networking opportunities, and growth alongside like-minded individuals.